Task Center

  • Life Coach1. 接受人生教練的人歲數是? 36-50歲. 2. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Via internet or phoneTravel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after 2 days24 pros notified
  • Personal Image Consultant1. 你想形象顧問提供哪方面的指導? 衣著風格, 髮型, 妝容. 2. 你的預算是多少? $2000 - $3000. 3. 你還需要其他相關服務嗎? 妝容髮型指導. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. . 希望搵合適自己風格嘅髮型、妝容同衣著打扮: (低調)輕奢藝術風
    Sheung ShuiTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day20 pros notified
  • Body Check Service1. What kind of body check services are you looking for? Comprehensive, Female. 2. What checkup items would you like to include? Ultrasound, Pap Smear, Cancer Marker, Breast & Pelvis Screening, Liver Function. 3. What is your estimated price range? $3,000 - $4,000. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? No. .
    At Pro's locationtag
    Expires after 1 day5 pros notified
  • Professional Investigation1. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 伴侶調查. 2. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 澳門. 3. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Via internet or phoneTravel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after 1 day16 pros notified
  • Funeral services1. 你需要哪一種告別儀式? 其他(請註明). 2. 你需要哪一種類型的下葬方式? 火葬. 3. 你需要甚麼宗教喪禮儀式? 佛教. 4. 你需要喪禮直播或拍攝服務嗎? 不需要. 5. 準備喪禮儀式前,你希望在哪一區預約會面? 九龍城區/黃大仙區/觀塘區. 6. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 7. 你希望在哪一區進行喪禮儀式? 九龍城區/黃大仙區/觀塘區. 8. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after 1 day7 pros notified
  • Health Training Course1. What is your experience level? No experience. 2. What is the objective you are trying to achieve? 主要職責 : (a) 安排網上課程營銷; (b) 編制及更新課程講義及教材. 3. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. . 具有醫療健康資訊經驗優先
    Causeway BayVia internet or phoneTravel to customerAt Pro's locationtag
    Expires after 1 day9 pros notified
  • Name Changing1. 請問你需要改人名或是商業改名服務? 改人名(初生嬰兒命名、改運、改藝名、改筆名等). 2. 請說明你需要改名服務的用途 初生嬰兒命名. 4. Where do you need the service? I can visit the Pro's office. 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's location
    Expires after about 22 hours19 pros notified
  • Professional Investigation1. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 尋人. 2. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 不需要. 3. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Via internet or phoneTravel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after about 19 hours16 pros notified
  • Professional Investigation1. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 尋人. 2. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 需要 (請說明地點). 3. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Via internet or phoneTravel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after about 18 hours17 pros notified
  • Body Check Service1. What kind of body check services are you looking for? Comprehensive. 2. What checkup items would you like to include? Liver Function. 3. What is your estimated price range? $2,000 - $3,000. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationtag
    Expires after about 5 hours6 pros notified