Task Center

  • Relationship Counselling1. What do you want to achieve from relationship counselling? To resolve conflicts. 2. Are you and your partner seeking relationship counseling together? No; my partner does not know I am seeking help. 3. Describe the stage you and your partner are facing Nvm. 4. What days are you available to meet the relationship counsellor? Sunday. 5. What times are you available to meet the relationship counsellor? Early afternoon (noon - 3pm). 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? No. .
    At Pro's locationVia internet or phoneTravel to customer
    Expires after 1 day78 pros notified
  • Personal Image Consultant1. 你想形象顧問提供哪方面的指導? 衣著風格, 髮型. 2. 你的預算是多少? $3000 以上. 3. 你還需要其他相關服務嗎? 其他(請描述). 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationVia internet or phoneTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day16 pros notified
  • Shoe Washing1. 請問需要清洗的鞋子種類是什麼?(可多選) 運動鞋(網面、皮面). 2. 請問總共有多少對鞋需要清洗? 1. 3. 請問當中有超過價值$1500的鞋嗎? 有(請註明價值及鞋款). 4. 請問需要哪種洗鞋方式? 精細清洗. 5. 請問需要額外修鞋服務嗎?(可多選) 不需要. 6. 請問需要額外皮鞋保養服務嗎? 不需要. 7. 請問需要上門取鞋/送鞋服務嗎? 不需要. 8. 請問需要加急處理洗鞋/修鞋服務嗎? 不需要. 9. 請問需要其他皮具清洗、修復、保養服務嗎? 不需要. .
    At Pro's locationTravel to customer
    Expires after 1 day5 pros notified
  • First Aid Course1. What is your experience level? No experience. 2. What is the objective you are trying to achieve? 能有基本的急救能力. 3. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationVia internet or phoneTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day8 pros notified
  • Financial Planning Course1. What is your experience level? Beginner. 2. What is the objective you are trying to achieve? 讓自己的錢變多. 3. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationVia internet or phoneTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day13 pros notified
  • Body Check Service1. What kind of body check services are you looking for? Comprehensive, Female. 2. What checkup items would you like to include? Ultrasound, Pap Smear, Breast & Pelvis Screening, Liver Function, Others (Please Specify). 3. What is your estimated price range? $2,000 - $3,000. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    CentralAt Pro's locationtag
    Expires after 1 day6 pros notified
  • Body Check Service1. What kind of body check services are you looking for? Comprehensive. 2. What checkup items would you like to include? Ultrasound, Pap Smear, Cancer Marker, AIDS, Breast & Pelvis Screening, Liver Function. 3. What is your estimated price range? $4,000 - $6,000. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's location
    Expires after 1 day6 pros notified
  • Overseas Shopping Agent1. Where should the Pro purchase the items from? Korea. 2. What kind of items do you need the Pro to purchase? Luxury brands. 3. How would you like to receive the items? In person. 4. Please provide more details about the items, e.g. brand, model, colour, size (links recommended) 化妝品. 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationVia internet or phoneTravel to customertagtag
    Expires after 1 day30 pros notified
  • Insurance Broker1. What kind of insurance are you looking for? Medical, Saving. 2. What is the length of time you plan to pay for the policy? 6 - 10 years. 3. What is the gender of the Policy Holder? Male. 4. What is the age of the Policy Holder? 20 - 40. 5. What is the monthly income of the Policy Holder? 80K - 110K . 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day51 pros notified
  • Relationship Counselling1. What do you want to achieve from relationship counselling? To rebuild trust. 2. Are you and your partner seeking relationship counseling together? No; my partner does not know I am seeking help. 3. Describe the stage you and your partner are facing 目前處於高低位的情況. 4. What days are you available to meet the relationship counsellor? Sunday. 5. What times are you available to meet the relationship counsellor? Evening (after 6pm). 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationVia internet or phoneTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day75 pros notified