GigaFit Studio

(1 Reviews)
Lai Chi Kok


Starting from the "Iron Pavilion", "lifting iron" has more than 17 years of fitness experience. In 2004, it decided to turn interest into a career. The newspaper has successfully transferred to the fitness industry with high salary and great job. During the internship period, one member has successfully influenced the initiative to purchase personal coaching services, and was also encouraged by two other praises. In 2005, he practiced as a fitness instructor. He also trained in the gymnastics training for the elderly homeowners and served as a training instructor in the fitness room. During the period, he was also given a thank-you gift from the elders.
After the Jockey Club staff fitness room, working as a personal trainer, evaluating, designing sports prescriptions and providing private training for guests, was selected to be visited and published in the Jockey Club staff monthly magazine. He also works part-time in the Disciplined Services Civil Service Club. It provides group fitness orientation and training instructions. There is no suspension for three hours each time but it is still encouraged by the group's applause.
I have witnessed the development of many fitness rooms and chain fitness centers as a member. I also experienced the sneak peek at the fitness center for "private education". I also saw the propaganda and helplessness in the industry. Therefore, in 2008, he independently founded the non-profit website, aiming to open up a network to provide training venues, explore the coaching job market, and play the necessary market power for personal trainers.
Today, I created GigaFit Studio and integrated the personal trainer element into the group sports training class. I hope that with the greatest enthusiasm and driving force of the individual, you can enjoy the training fun and spark your positive energy!


Chloe Chan

Contact the merchant to make an enquiry or appointment now for free
Room 216, 2/F, Fu Shing Industrial Building, 658 Castle Peak Road
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9059 8877
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