45分鐘2人同行耳浴 X 小酥麻採耳

Original Price
Toby Discount



1 x 45分鐘2人同行耳浴 X 小酥麻採耳
- 內視鏡檢查耳朵
- 耳道清潔
- 耳穴紓壓
- 耳道放鬆
- 耳廓按摩
- 療癒ASMR(酥麻感)
- OM音叉三重奏
- 耳浴Spa(洗耳仔)


- 如客人耳垢太多需超時清理,需另加多$50
- 專業無痛取耳結石(單耳) :$250
- 專業無痛取耳結石(雙耳):$480
- 嚴重耵聹栓塞 、昆蟲異物(單耳) :$200
- 嚴重耵聹栓塞 、昆蟲異物(雙耳):$380
- 耵聹栓塞(單耳) :$100
- 耵聹栓塞(雙耳):$180
- 耳仔發霉、真菌感染(單耳):$150
- 耳仔發霉、真菌感染(雙耳):$280
- 中耳炎、外耳道發炎、濕疹耳仔、紅腫、流膿流水 (單耳):$50
- 中耳炎、外耳道發炎、濕疹耳仔、紅腫、流膿流水(雙耳):$100


1. 用內視鏡檢查客人耳道,分析客人耳道情況。
2. 進行外耳廓按摩,按壓耳穴促進耳朵血液循環。
3 .用不同的羽毛工具進行面部、頸部的放鬆,藉著工具刺激這些部位的三叉神經,令客人有一種酥酥癢癢的感覺。
4. 耳道清潔,清理耳道的耳垢耳屑,護理耳道。
5. 耳浴Spa,用溫暖的洗耳液清洗耳道,讓耳道恢復潔淨
6. 耳道放鬆,用不同的羽毛工具於耳道轉毛,加上音叉三重奏振動,刺激客人耳道神經和癢點,ASMR的聲音盛宴讓客人達到顱內高潮和酥麻的效果。


- 耳朵痕癢
- 耳朵堵塞
- 耳朵不適
- 聽力受阻
- 突發性耳鳴


1. 以下人士不適合進行採耳服務
2. 所有療程均不可取消、不可轉讓、退款或更改訂單
3. 若遲到30分鐘以下,護理服務時間會因而相應縮短而該次護理服務之全數費用將被扣減
4. 若缺席或遲到30分鐘或以上,護理服務將視作取消,而該次護理服務之全數費用將被扣減
5. 此服務需要預約,請客人最少於24小時前透過what’s app+852 66268920與店家預約,可預約時段為星期一至日1100-2100
6. 請注意2人同行服務有機會輪流進行,請預約前最好先向店家查詢。

Terms and Conditions
Effective Period
1. Bookings: Within the scheduled timeslot on the scheduled date 2. Vouchers: Within 60 days of purchase
How to Redeem
1. A confirmation email will be sent to you after successful payment. If you have purchased a voucher, please make a booking with the merchant at your earliest convenience. 2. Please present the redemption code from your confirmation email (can also be found under “Services” in your account) to the merchant to redeem the service.
Terms and Conditions
1. This voucher can only be redeemed once. It cannot be refunded or exchanged for cash and no change will be provided. 2. The effective period of this voucher cannot be extended. All expired and unredeemed vouchers are deemed invalid. 3. All services on this voucher must be redeemed on the same day. 4. The redemption code must be presented to the merchant and verified for redemption. 5. Treatment results and progress may vary depending on your skin and physical conditions. 6. A same gender massage therapist will be assigned to you. 7. If you are pregnant or injured, or have a headache, etc., please inform the massage therapist in advance. 8. In case of any disputes, Toby reserves the right of final decision.
1. Please make your booking in advance. 2. The treatment should take 1 to 2 hours. 3. Please inform the merchant 2 days in advance if you need to reschedule. 4. A confirmation email will be sent to you within 5 minutes of successful payment. If you can't find it, please check your spam/junk folder. Please remember to mark all emails from Toby as “Not Spam/Junk”.

Applicable to(1)

The Poetry Of Ear Ear Spa Experience


Room 4215, The I office, 4 / F, Shing Wan Industrial Building, 15-17 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong