【六次套票】sMTS 嬰兒針幹細胞水肌再生+獨家人手全面提升技術
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Toby Discount
嬰兒水晶針是無需注射的無創植入式療程,有效締造彈滑嬰兒肌,同時達到肌膚再生、肌齡修復及飽滿水潤的明顯效果,是再生修復和水光效果最強的醫美療程。它含有高效美白精華液,利用水晶針開僻肌膚管道,精華液通過微細管道滲入肌膚底層,將穿透底層的微分子物中的透明質酸、表皮生長因子幹细胞、PDRN 成份溶解,並於皮膚底層釋放,為肌膚補充重要水份,達至增強水潤、回復肌膚彈性飽滿的效果。

1. 專業皮膚分析
2. 療程專用的卸妝及潔面
3. 專業人手針清
4. 修眉雜毛
5. 客人選取的面部療程
6. 療程專用面膜
7. 肩頸按摩(如適用)
- 修補受損肌膚
- 增加水潤、白滑嫩肌
- 組織再生、回復彈性飽滿
- 調節皮膚水油平衡狀態
- 改善肌理
- 打造零毛孔 BB 肌
- 敬請客戶準時到達,遲到或未能安排補時
- 以上療程不適合孕婦/哺乳期間人士,如有長期病患人士請諮詢家庭醫生
- 如健康狀況有所改變或任何身體不適,請主動通知治療師
- 此優惠只可使用乙次,而且不設找贖、退款、以及不得兌換現金
- 此優惠有效期為購買日起60日內兌現服務,不設延期,所有逾期未兌換的優惠將視為作廢
- 到場時必須向商戶出示兌換編號,經驗證後才可使用
- 此優惠只適用新客户
- 如有任何爭議,W Beauty韓式肌膚管理中心將保留最終決定權

Terms and Conditions
Effective Period
1. Bookings: Within the scheduled timeslot on the scheduled date
2. Vouchers: Within 180 days of purchase
How to Redeem
1. A confirmation email will be sent to you after successful payment. If you have purchased a voucher, please make a booking with the merchant at your earliest convenience.
2. Please present the redemption code from your confirmation email (can also be found under “Services” in your account) to the merchant to redeem the service.
Terms and Conditions
1. This voucher can only be redeemed once. It cannot be refunded or exchanged for cash and no change will be provided.
2. The effective period of this voucher cannot be extended. All expired and unredeemed vouchers are deemed invalid.
3. All services on this voucher must be redeemed on the same day.
4. The redemption code must be presented to the merchant and verified for redemption.
5. Treatment results and progress may vary depending on your skin and physical conditions.
6. A same gender massage therapist will be assigned to you.
7. If you are pregnant or injured, or have a headache, etc., please inform the massage therapist in advance.
8. In case of any disputes, Toby reserves the right of final decision.
9. The usage period of the voucher does not apply to the New Year period
1. Please make your booking in advance.
2. The treatment should take 1 to 2 hours.
3. Please inform the merchant 2 days in advance if you need to reschedule.
4. A confirmation email will be sent to you within 5 minutes of successful payment. If you can't find it, please check your spam/junk folder. Please remember to mark all emails from Toby as “Not Spam/Junk”.
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