提拉眼瞼、眼周、嘴角肌膚 逆齡GET
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Toby Discount
重構健康脹卜卜有彈性嘅肌膚☆ 關鍵一步係要將好嘅營養分子注入肌底,喚醒新生膠原蛋白。〖冰冰針〗保濕效果有如1000塊保濕面膜,配合〖無針水光DEP機〗,用低頻磁場無痛導入,2秒將毛孔打開至17倍大,80%精華帶到肌膚底層,真正❝有效保濕❞!電流同時刺激嘴角、下巴、眼周肌肉運動,達至緊緻提拉效果,法令紋、眼紋BYE BYEღ 全程無痛無傷口,非入侵等同打針效果,效果取代傳統針劑!
-Neauvia™ 冰冰針係市場上最「純淨」嘅透明質酸針,以四大活膚保濕成分,從根源解決肌膚缺水欠彈性問題,真正逆齡,還原無瑕美肌♡
✧ 瑞士研發 意大利製造
✧ KFDA與歐盟CE認證
✧ 零痛感 無傷口 低頻磁場安全導入
✧ 無漫長修復期 365日隨時變靚
✧ 激發膠原增生 童顏脹卜卜
✧ 滲透保濕效果 媲美1000塊面膜
✧ 真正有效保濕 營養直達肌底
✧ 均勻膚色 水嫩美白
✧ 提拉眼瞼、眼周、嘴角肌膚 逆齡GET
1. 敬請客戶準時到達,遲到或無法安排補時。
2. 如遇特殊情況需調整時間,請提前通知商戶更改預約時間。
Terms and Conditions
Effective Period
1. Bookings: Within the scheduled timeslot on the scheduled date
2. Vouchers: Within 60 days of purchase
How to Redeem
1. A confirmation email will be sent to you after successful payment. If you have purchased a voucher, please make a booking with the merchant at your earliest convenience.
2. Please present the redemption code from your confirmation email (can also be found under “Services” in your account) to the merchant to redeem the service.
Terms and Conditions
1. This voucher can only be redeemed once. It cannot be refunded or exchanged for cash and no change will be provided.
2. The effective period of this voucher cannot be extended. All expired and unredeemed vouchers are deemed invalid.
3. All services on this voucher must be redeemed on the same day.
4. The redemption code must be presented to the merchant and verified for redemption.
5. Treatment results and progress may vary depending on your skin and physical conditions.
6. A same gender massage therapist will be assigned to you.
7. If you are pregnant or injured, or have a headache, etc., please inform the massage therapist in advance.
8. In case of any disputes, Toby reserves the right of final decision.
1. Please make your booking in advance.
2. The treatment should take 1 to 2 hours.
3. Please inform the merchant 2 days in advance if you need to reschedule.
4. A confirmation email will be sent to you within 5 minutes of successful payment. If you can't find it, please check your spam/junk folder. Please remember to mark all emails from Toby as “Not Spam/Junk”.
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