Dog Training

332Approved Dog Trainer

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What kind of training do you want for your pet?

  • Basic Training
  • Walk Training
  • Toilet Training
  • Basic Obedience Training
  • Manner Training
  • Swimming Training
  • Behavioural Training
  • Foster Care Training
  • Others (Please Specify):
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Customer Reviews
Based on 152 reviews
Feb 19 2024
Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)
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Carsten made my home feel much more comfortable letting the dog out for a walk. He taught me very clearly, and both adults and children in the house mastered the rope-handling skills. He communicated well, and I was finally able to let the dog out safely and harmoniously. Carsten is very attentive in following up.

Alicia Tsoi
Feb 19 2024
Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)
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This is the second time I have hired Carsten. He is very good. He patiently teaches us and the dogs. He has made great changes in a short period of time. If everyone is facing the trouble of not knowing how to teach, please contact Carsten and you will benefit a lot!

Feb 11 2024
Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)
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The dog calmed down a lot in one day, and successfully made the dog pee in designated places multiple times, including the toilet seat and the toilet bowl. There is no need to fight when thinning the hair. Thank you Carsten Sir!

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Dog Training Average Cost

Total Price: $6,000
Total Price: $7,000
Total Price: $8,000
Dog Training cost table
Total Price: $6,000
Total Price: $7,000
Total Price: $8,000
How do we get this data? Toby collects the quotations for the projects that are completed. We also actively conduct cost surveys with our network of pros with regard to the services they provide. After compiling and organizing, we report this data back to you as a cost guidance on your next project. DISCLAIMER: The price range published by Toby is a estimate only and is not indicative of what you will be charged by the pro. Please note that your project cost will vary based on the scope of the service that will be provided.

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