Academic Tutoring in Ap Lei Chau

  • 藝術牆專家~Silva21
    Personal Affairs,Venue Decoration,Elective Subjects Tutoring,Treatment & Recovery,and others
    Hired rate6
    Art Wall Expert ~Silva21 Specializing in wall art paint for new habitat / new installations; (Specializing in Nippon Milano art paint, experienced and reliable) ~Provide ...
    Academic Tutoring
    Math Tutoring
    Math Olympiad Tutoring
    + 22
    • 裝燈
  • 黎老師
    Exam Preparation,Tutoring
    Hired rate0
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"(連續兩年DSE學生奪星)中文碩士現職教師,中大浸大畢業,AL中文B、CE數學A,15年教學及補習經驗,精於DSE拔尖保底、TSA升中訓練"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"畢業於香港中文大學及香港浸會大學,具中文系學士、碩士、教育文憑資歷,公開試成績優異,在AL中文科獲B等(相當於DSE 5星星),在CE數學科獲A等(相當於DSE 5星星)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"任職中學教師,入職八年為學生奪星無數,任教中六級學生在DSE全數及格,私人補習學生均獲4等或以上,更教出21-22年度文憑試5星星及22-23年度文憑試5星尖子,拔尖保底俱佳"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"熟知中文科DSE課程,具大量教學材料、模擬試卷;善於帶領學生操練Past Paper,一同研讀考評報告,讓學生了解評分制度,事半功倍"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"曾任職全職補習及補習社導師,熟知小學課程,擅長小學全科補習,擁有大量中文、數學模擬試卷、練習筆記;對於面試技巧、策略瞭如指掌,可協助訓練升中面試"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"學生就讀:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"中學:聖約瑟、瑪利諾修院、曾肇添、嘉諾撒聖家、民生、鄧肇堅、迦密柏雨、王肇枝、田家炳、風采、民生、黃棣珊、長天"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"國際學校/直資:耀中、培僑、顏寶鈴、港大同學會、香島"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"小學:聖約瑟、培正、九龍塘官小、協和、馬循、沙崇"}]}]...
    Chinese Tutoring
    Math Tutoring
    Academic Tutoring
    + 1
  • Nakama party house
    Hired rate2
    A group‧Nakama Party House Introduction: One Group officially opened on December 5, 2015, and it is the first Party House with the theme of Party ...
    Math Tutoring
    Economics Tutoring
    Academic Tutoring
    Lai Chi Kok
  • Ec Learning Abacus
    Kids and Toddlers,Tutoring,Other Lessons
    Hired rate1
    Ray Sir簡介: 8歲開始學珠心算,教授珠心算有16年經驗,曾受邀請系電視台同雜誌訪問,珠心算除左幫到計數快,對記憶力,腦部快展都有幫助。 -大學主修金融 -兒時已經在電視雜誌出現,曾勇奪全港珠心算冠軍 -曾教授4-12歲小朋友珠心算,人數是5位細班至30位大班,小組班、教育中心、非牟利機構、小學中學、成人班皆有教學經驗。 Ray Sir works in hedge fund industry and abacus expertise. He started learning abacus and mental math from 8 ...
    Academic Tutoring
    Math Olympiad Tutoring
    Abacus Lesson
    + 1
    Tsim Sha Tsui
  • Chong Christie
    Language Lessons,Elective Subjects Tutoring,Tutoring
    Hired rate1
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"⚠️女導師招生"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Band 1A港大同學會書院"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"2023 DSE result:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🔸Best 5 31/35 (HK top 1.1%)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🔸Best 6 HK top 3%"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🔸ENG 5** "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" (reading 5 / writing 5* / listening 5** / "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"speaking ...
    Academic Tutoring
    Chinese Tutoring
    English Tutoring
    + 13
    Cheung Sha Wan
  • Fanny
    Hired rate5
    With experience as a primary school tutor and kindergarten teacher, with many years of private tutoring experience, patience, college graduate, majoring in early childhood education, ...
    Academic Tutoring
    Chinese Tutoring
    English Tutoring
    + 2
    Tai Kok Tsui
  • Jacq
    Kids and Toddlers,Outsourcing,Design & Customization,Dancing,and others
    Hired rate0
    🏫Primary to Secondary School Tuition - Biology 🧠Object 📕 🏊🏼‍♀️Swimming Instructor - Rich experience and many achievements Tutor qualifications🎓University ...
    Singing Lesson
    Kids Classes
    Integrated Science Tutoring
    + 14
    Choi Hung
  • Miss Cindy
    Hired rate2
    Master of Mathematics Education from University of London, specializing in mathematics for primary and secondary schools. I have many years of experience in supplementary mathematics ...
    Math Olympiad Tutoring
    Integrated Science Tutoring
    Math Tutoring
    + 3
    Tai Kok Tsui
  • Ning Chan
    Outsourcing,Business Research & Analytics,Tutoring
    Hired rate0
    1️⃣Chinese typing📃 40 words/1 minute 2️⃣English typing📜 40 input/minute 3️⃣MS&Word operation💻 Advanced 4️⃣Basic computer operation🖥 Advanced 5️⃣English reading ability 📚 good 6️⃣English writing ability �...
    Data Entry
    Content Writer
    Questionnaire conductor
    + 6
    Sai Wan Ho
  • Leo Cheung
    Hired rate0
    I graduated from English Middle School on Hong Kong Island and have four years of post-secondary mathematics teaching experience. I have taught after-school DSE mathematics ...
    Academic Tutoring
    Primary School Tutoring
    Math Tutoring
    + 1
    Sai Wan Ho
User Review
according to 481 reviews
    June 19, 2024
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    Want to know the details of tutoring fees?

  • Sean Chiang
    December 27, 2023

    Professional, structured and insightful

  • angel
    September 15, 2023
    Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)
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    Commission-free, flexible trial class, quick introduction and follow-up by customer service, high-quality tutors, recommendation

  • 梁愷芸
    May 3, 2023
    Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)
    show original review

    May I know how to join your tutoring class?

  • Kate
    September 16, 2022

    Miss Chong is a patient teacher. My son loves her lessons!

  • Melody
    August 6, 2022
    Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)
    show original review

    Very friendly and approachable, teaching strategies are very good and effective in helping me improve my weak areas