Sha Tin Directory
Keyboard Lessons (200)Hired rate328The Double Pairs Music Center is a popular music classroom center in North Point and Sai Ying Pun. The piano room is near the exits ...Piano LessonNorth PointWedding Performance (41)Hired rate50He received a scholarship to study in Germany, graduated from Prince William’s alma mater (Distinction in tought elements) in the United Kingdom, and obtained the ...Event MCRemoteWind Instrument Lessons (141)Hired rate328The Double Pairs Music Center is a popular music classroom center in North Point and Sai Ying Pun. The piano room is near the exits ...Saxophone LessonSai Ying PunLanguage Lessons,Tutoring (20)Hired rate118A good teacher school has 6 branches in Hong Kong, located in Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai, Prince Edward, Shatin and Tsuen Wan, ...Korean Language LessonEnglish Language Lesson for AdultsFrench Language Lesson+ 5Prince EdwardWater Sports (143)Hired rate164[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Fong Pak Wing (Joe sir) 是政府註冊資深游泳教練,已教授游泳19年(具8年全職教授游泳經驗),並曾在私人屋苑、會所及康文署泳池教學,另具10年以上拯溺經驗,及多項運動教練資格。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Joe Sir對人生教育、哲學、品德、信仰都有研究,捨棄舊有刻板填鴨教學法,擅於因材施教,用多元化的思維,突破大小朋友怕水和「怕瘀」的心理關口,引導他們透過游泳運動,培養興趣、品行、團體精神和與待人處事的技巧,發揮一己長處以彌補不足,從而建立自信及修養,幫助他們尋找自己的一片天地,在人生綻放異彩!"}]}]...Swimming LessonRemoteSmall Renovation (292)Hired rate353[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"承接各類大小油漆 (包括剷底、執灰、翻油、牆紙) 工程🪜🛢\n⭐️ 油漆裝飾工程親自打理有責任 ⭐️\n考獲CITA油漆大工牌24年,唔係雜工扮師傅👷🏻♂️\n信譽良好,優良品質, 我哋唔會同其他人鬥平,因為我哋功夫有質素...Paint JobTin Shui WaiWorkspace & Equipments,Storage & Moving,Home Repair & Installation (152)Hired rate336In the 40th year of Donghua Moving House this year, we are pragmatic and enterprising, and keep pace with the times, from moving houses, moving ...Furniture DisposalConstruction wasteOut-of-State Moving+ 6Fo TanStorage & Moving (538)Hired rate826[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"無論家居、寫字樓或是店舖搬遷,忠信都能為客戶減輕煩惱。我們會協助客戶計算及策劃搬遷事宜,務求令客戶之傢俬、貨物能安全、快捷地抵達新址。\n忠信堅持取價公道,提供免費上門視察服務,按實際環境因素從而匯報合理價格,絕不濫收小費。同時亦能預計適當的紙箱數量以方便客戶包裝,提高效率。而大件傢俬亦會由專人預算包裝物料,確保搬運的安全。\n搬離舊址後,忠信亦可為客戶清場,處理或棄置舊傢俬,讓客戶能安心佈置新居或新辦公室。\n \n服務是我們的宗旨,滿意是我們的目標,笑容是我們的心願。本公司願與各界朋友合作,提供優質、高效率的服務。\n‧ 專業處理包裝易碎物品\n‧ 電子電器用品及傢俱\n‧ 裝拆必需傢俱\n‧ 可安排存倉服務\n‧ 清場、處理或...RelocationOut-of-State MovingFurniture DisposalWan ChaiSmall Renovation (67)Hired rate70[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"年經師傅,20多年專科油漆經驗👷🏻♂️\n專業團隊、油漆、牆紙、噴油、住宅、店舖、工廠大廈,手工好,工作快,起貨快,大量好評,注重品質 ,\n本人親力親為,手工質素有保證💪🏻\n*專業團隊\n*地板工程\n*室內設計\n*訂造傢俬\n*各種工程\n*歡迎查詢"}]}]...Paint JobTo Kwa WanEmergency & Survival,Audio Visual Lessons,Professional Skills,Exercise & Fitness,and others (59)Hired rate703【Toby Life】provides you with one-stop home service, making your life worry-free! HelloToby has carefully selected experts in different home services to become selected partners. Committed...Film Scoring CourseDJ LessonFilm Production Course+ 11Remote
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