Task Center

  • KOL Platform1. Please choose the service district: Tsuen Wan District. 2. 你正尋找哪些類型的KOL? 其他(請說明). 3. 你希望KOL提供哪些服務? 社交媒體推廣. 4. 你的業務屬於哪個行業? 市場推廣及營銷. 5. Where do you need the service? Online or via phone. 6. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 7. Preferred Languages? Mandarin, Cantonese. 8. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Tsuen WanVia internet or phone
    Expires after 1 day38 pros notified
  • Facebook Marketing1. Have you already set up a FB page account? No. 2. What kind of services do you need? The Pro can DIRECTLY manage FB account. 3. Would you consider running FB ad campaigns? Depends on Pro'sdecision. 4. Do you need any additional services? Design IG Photos, FB Video Making, Content Writing. 5. What do you hope to achieve by Facebook marketing? Bring in more business volumes (e.g. booking or purchase rate). 6. Please describe what services/product you would like to advertise. 金融產品. 7. Does yo...
    Via internet or phoneTravel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after about 18 hours134 pros notified
  • Facebook Marketing1. Have you already set up a FB page account? Yes. 2. What kind of services do you need? The Pro can DIRECTLY manage FB account. 3. Would you consider running FB ad campaigns? Yes. 4. Do you need any additional services? Design IG Photos, FB Video Making, Content Writing. 5. What do you hope to achieve by Facebook marketing? Raise brand awareness, Bring in more business volumes (e.g. booking or purchase rate), Increase website traffict. 6. Please describe what services/product you would like ...
    Via internet or phoneTravel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after about 13 hours132 pros notified
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