Task Center

  • Insurance Broker1. What kind of insurance are you looking for? Critical Illness, Medical, Life, Saving. 2. What is the length of time you plan to pay for the policy? 11 - 20 years. 3. What is the gender of the Policy Holder? Female. 4. What is the age of the Policy Holder? 60 and above. 5. What is the monthly income of the Policy Holder? 110K HKD and above. 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? No. .
    Travel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after 1 day45 pros notified
  • Shoe Washing1. 請問需要清洗的鞋子種類是什麼?(可多選) 運動鞋(網面、皮面). 2. 請問總共有多少對鞋需要清洗? 2. 3. 請問當中有超過價值$1500的鞋嗎? 沒有. 4. 請問需要哪種洗鞋方式? 普通清洗. 5. 請問需要額外修鞋服務嗎?(可多選) 後跟內襯補洞. 6. 請問需要額外皮鞋保養服務嗎? 不需要. 7. 請問需要上門取鞋/送鞋服務嗎? 需要(請列明上門取鞋/送鞋地址). 8. 請問需要加急處理洗鞋/修鞋服務嗎? 不需要. 9. 請問需要其他皮具清洗、修復、保養服務嗎? 不需要. .
    Travel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after 1 day5 pros notified
  • Financial Planning Course1. What is your experience level? Beginner. 2. What is the objective you are trying to achieve? 看得懂財務報表. 3. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. . 假日的白天
    Ngau Tau KokTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day14 pros notified
  • Tarot Card1. Please choose the service district: Sha Tin District. 2. 你偏好哪一種塔羅占卜收費模式? 皆可. 3. Where do you need the service? I can visit the Pro's office. 4. When do you want the service? In the next few days. 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Sha TinAt Pro's location
    Expires after 1 day24 pros notified
  • Professional Investigation1. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 尋人. 2. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 不需要. 3. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 用電話號碼查個人身份. 4. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? No. .
    Via internet or phoneTravel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after 1 day15 pros notified
  • Shoe Washing1. 請問需要清洗的鞋子種類是什麼?(可多選) 運動鞋(網面、皮面). 2. 請問總共有多少對鞋需要清洗? 一. 3. 請問當中有超過價值$1500的鞋嗎? 沒有. 4. 請問需要哪種洗鞋方式? 精細清洗. 5. 請問需要額外修鞋服務嗎?(可多選) 串色補色, 發黃去氧化, 修復鞋頭踢花. 6. 請問需要額外皮鞋保養服務嗎? 不需要. 7. 請問需要上門取鞋/送鞋服務嗎? 不需要. 8. 請問需要加急處理洗鞋/修鞋服務嗎? 不需要. 9. 請問需要其他皮具清洗、修復、保養服務嗎? 不需要. .
    Travel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after about 16 hours5 pros notified
  • Name Changing1. 請問你需要改人名或是商業改名服務? 改人名(初生嬰兒命名、改運、改藝名、改筆名等). 2. 請說明你需要改名服務的用途 初生嬰兒命名. 4. Where do you need the service? I can visit the Pro's office, Online or via phone. 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Via internet or phoneAt Pro's location
    Expires after about 15 hours18 pros notified
  • Professional Investigation1. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 伴侶調查. 2. 請問你需要調查的案件屬於哪一種? 不需要. 3. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Via internet or phoneTravel to customerAt Pro's location
    Expires after about 9 hours16 pros notified
  • Relationship Expert1. Which kind of relationship assistance do you need? Make-up assistance. 2. Which method do you prefer? SMS/App Messages. 3. Do you need the Pro to do it for you? No, I just need advice from the expert. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Sham Shui PoVia internet or phonetag
    Expires after about 7 hours37 pros notified
  • General Flower Arrangement1. What is the occasion to purchase these flowers? Others (Please Specify). 2. Are there any specific types of flowers you are looking for? No. 3. How much is your budget? $1,000 - $1,500. 4. Do you need the florist to include delivery service? Yes (Please specify location). 5. When would you like to collect or receive the flowers? 5月29. 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's location
    Expires after about 7 hours20 pros notified