Task Center

  • Washing Machine Repair1. 你的洗衣機需要甚麼維修服務? 其他(請說明). 2. 你的洗衣機遇到甚麼問題? 其他(請說明). 3. 你的洗衣機是甚麼品牌? 其他(請說明). 4. 你的洗衣機型號是?(選填) LD603. 5. When do you want the service? In the next few days. 6. Which area do you prefer? North / Tai Po District / Sha Tin District. .
    NorthTravel to customer
    Expires after 2 days33 pros notified
  • Home Appliance Installation and Repair1. 你需要安裝/維修的家電是? 電視. 3. Please describe your service request in details. 接线口损坏,配件已拿,需要更换. 5. Please choose the service district: Southern District. 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    SouthernTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day94 pros notified
  • 淘寶傢俬安裝1. Please choose the service district: Sha Tin District. 2. 你需要安裝的淘寶傢俬類型是: 其他. 3. 你能否提供所需要的安裝工具? 需要專家自備. 4. Where do you need the service? Pros should travel to my location. 5. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 6. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 清拆現有木房門連木門框及換上巴士門. 7. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 8. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Sha TinTravel to customer
    Expires after 1 day82 pros notified
  • 淘寶傢俬安裝1. 你需要安裝的淘寶傢俬類型是: 其他. 2. 你能否提供所需要的安裝工具? 需要專家自備. 3. Where do you need the service? Pros should travel to my location. 4. Please choose the service district: Tsuen Wan District. 5. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 6. Please provide service date 2025-03-10. 7. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 分體冷氣1.5. 8. Preferred Languages? Mandarin, Cantonese. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Tsuen WanTravel to customer
    Expires after 1 day81 pros notified
  • Scaffolding project1. Why do you need scaffolding project? Air Conditioner Installation and Repair. 2. Is the scaffolding set up from the ground? No. 3. Are you a contractor or a home owner? Home owner. 4. Is the scaffolding project approved by relevant departments? Yes. 5. Can you describe about the location of the scaffolding project? 25楼,换冷气. 6. How many experience do you prefer of the pro? No any requires. 7. What is the square footage of your home? 501 - 800 sq. ft.. 8. Does your phone number support Whats...
    Tai Kok TsuiTravel to customer
    Expires after 1 day51 pros notified
  • Water Heater Repair & Installation1. 你需要熱水爐安裝或維修服務? 熱水爐維修. 2. 你需要想安裝/維修的熱水爐是什麼類型? 即熱式電熱水爐. 3. 你想安裝/維修的熱水爐品牌和型號是?(如不清楚,可略過) 德國寶CFX-21 . 4. 請描述你遇到的問題,或你需要讓專家知道的資訊?(如無,可略過) 不熱水. 6. Please choose the service district: Eastern District, . 7. When do you want the service? As soon as possible. 8. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    EasternTravel to customerVia internet or phoneAt Pro's locationtagtag
    Expires after 1 day39 pros notified
  • Door Repair, Replacement & Installation1. Please choose the service district: Yau Tsim Mong District. 2. Where is this Door Repair, Replacement & Installation Service for? Home. 3. Which of the folllowing services do you need? Door Replacement. 4. Which components are mainly used in the involved doors? Aluminium. 5. What kind(s) of door(s) are involved? Windowed Door. 6. Please state the no. of doors that need repair, replace and install. 1. 7. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 8. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 9. Does...
    Yau Tsim MongAt Pro's location
    Expires after 1 day94 pros notified
  • Sofa Renovation1. Please choose the service district: Tai Po District. 2. 你的梳化材料是? 布. 3. 你需要哪種服務?(可多選) 填充/換海綿, 加彈弓, 其他(請說明). 4. 你的梳化類型是? 三人座. 5. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 6. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 三座布藝梳化有兩座的彈弓移位,導致坐墊位置高低不平. 7. Where do you need the service? Pros should travel to my location. .
    Tai PoTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day23 pros notified
  • Window Replacement & Installation1. Where is this Window Repair, Replacement and Installation Service for? Home. 2. Please state the no. of windows that need repair, replace and install. One to Three. 3. Types of operable windows to repair, replace and install. (You can choose more than one) Others (Please Specify). 4. Which service do you need? (You can choose more than one) Repair (Please specify). 5. Which area do you prefer? Sai Kung / Tseung Kwan O District. 6. When do you want the service? In the next few days. 7. Plea...
    Sai KungTravel to customertagtag
    Expires after 1 day64 pros notified
  • Clear Clogged Drain1. When was the drain clogged? Less than a week ago. 2. How many drains are clogged? 1. 3. Where are the places which need drainage cleaning? Bathtub/ Shower Caddy. 5. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 1 day75 pros notified