Task Center

  • Elderly Home1. How long does the elderly need to stay? Three months. 2. How old is the elderly? 70 to 74. 3. What is the geder of the elderly? Female. 4. Which is the preferred room type? Double room. 5. Please describe the mobility of the elderly. Bedridden. 6. Please describe the self-care ability of the elderly. Assistance always needed. 7. Please describe the health conditions of the elderly. Others (Please specify). 8. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Kwun TongAt Pro's location
    Expires after 1 day14 pros notified
  • Professional Organizer1. What is the square footage of your home? 600 - 899 sq. ft. (Suggest 4 hour cleaning). 4. When do you want the service? As soon as possible. 5. Please provide service date 2024-07-27. 6. Please choose the service district: Southern District. .
    SouthernTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day22 pros notified
  • Lactation Massage1. Please choose the service district: Southern District. 2. 你遇到的哺乳問題是? 乳腺堵塞, 乳房腫痛. 3. 你需要的催乳服務種類是? 通乳腺. 4. 你是否首次分娩? 不是. 5. Where do you need the service? Pros should travel to my location. 6. When do you want the service? As soon as possible. .
    SouthernTravel to customertag
    Expires after about 18 hours16 pros notified
  • Nanny1. Please choose the service(s) the Nanny has to complete: Arrange child meal & feed the child(s), Pick up and drop off the child(s), Accompany the child(s) to the clinic, Bathe the child(s), Play with the child(s), Cook for adults. 2. What kind of nanny service are you looking for? One-off. 3. Please specify the age of the child(ren) 2. 4. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customertag
    Expires after about 13 hours39 pros notified
  • Lactation Massage1. 你遇到的哺乳問題是? 乳腺堵塞. 2. 你需要的催乳服務種類是? 產後斷奶. 3. 你是否首次分娩? 是. 4. Where do you need the service? I can visit the Pro's office. 5. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 6. Please choose the service district: Central and Western District, . .
    Central and WesternAt Pro's location
    Expires after about 7 hours17 pros notified
  • Community Care Service Voucher1. Please choose the service district: Kwai Tsing District. 2. 你的社區照顧服務券己完成審核並收到紙本憑證了嗎? 否. 3. 你的長者社區照顧服務券的共同付款百分比是多少? 未完成審核. 4. 長者目前的狀態屬於?(可多選) 認知障礙症, 缺乏自理能力. 5. 長者目前所需要的服務有哪些? 個人護理照顧. 6. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Kwai TsingTravel to customerAt Pro's locationtag
    Expires after about 7 hours4 pros notified
  • Professional Organizer1. What is the square footage of your home? Below 300 sq. ft.. 4. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 5. Please provide service date 2024-08-06. 6. Please choose the service district: Kwun Tong District, . .
    Kwun TongTravel to customertag
    Expires after 8 days23 pros notified
  • Professional Organizer1. What is the square footage of your home? Below 300 sq. ft.. 4. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 5. Please provide service date 2024-08-03. 6. Please choose the service district: Tuen Mun District. .
    Tuen MunTravel to customer
    Expires after 5 days23 pros notified
  • 私家看護1. Please choose the service district: Wan Chai District, Wan Chai District. 2. 被照顧者的年齡是? 66歲或以上. 3. 被照顧者的性別是? 女. 4. 請描述被照顧者的活動能力: 需長期臥床. 5. 請描述被照顧者的自理能力: 需完全依賴別人. 6. Where do you need the service? Pros should travel to my location. 7. When do you want the service? On one particular date. 8. Please provide service date 7:00am 7:00pm . 9. Preferred Languages? Cantonese. 10. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Wan ChaiTravel to customer
    Expires after about 1 month16 pros notified
  • Professional Organizer1. What is the square footage of your home? 300 - 599 sq. ft.. 4. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 5. Please provide service date 3. 6. Please choose the service district: Tuen Mun District, . 7. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 搬屋pack 箱. .
    Tuen MunTravel to customer
    Expires after 3 days24 pros notified
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