Task Center

  • Furniture Recycling1. Please specify the number of the furniture you need to recycle 1, 2, 2, 1, 1. 2. Please choose the service district: Sha Tin District. 3. Do it need to demolish? Yes. 4. Does the building require stairs? Yes. 6. When do you want the service? In the next few days. 7. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 16-18/5 此日內搬, 村屋2樓, 屋前有樓梯直達停車場. 需要圖片再call 我. .
    Sha TinTravel to customer
    Expires after 1 day27 pros notified
  • Nanny Van1. 你需要哪種接送服務? 上學和放學. 2. 學生年齡多大? 3-5歲. 3. 請問學生數目? 1名. 4. 你需要校巴服務接送時間? 8:15. 5. 你需要上車地點/學校? 德福花園. 6. 你需要落車地點/學校? 聖安德肋幼稚園. 7. 你需要保母車的時段? 全年. 8. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 9. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 2024年9月開始需要服務. 10. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationVia internet or phoneTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day6 pros notified
  • Furniture Recycling1. Please specify the number of the furniture you need to recycle 1. 2. Do it need to demolish? Yes. 3. Does the building require stairs? No. 5. Please choose the service district: Sham Shui Po District. 6. When do you want the service? I’m flexible. 7. Please provide service date 2024-05-31. .
    Sham Shui PoTravel to customer
    Expires after 19 days27 pros notified
  • Piano Relocation1. 搬琴服務出發地區是哪裏? 港島南區. 2. 搬琴服務的目的地區是哪裏? 港島灣仔區. 3. Type of piano? Upright Piano. 4. 你需要以下額外服務嗎? 不需要. 5. 搬琴服務的出發點是? 村屋. 6. 搬琴服務的目的地是? 工業大廈. 7. 請問你的樓宇有沒有升降機? 有. 8. When do you want the service? Other (Please specify). 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. 10. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 清水灣道孟公屋澳貝村16號 搬到 張寶慶大廈 15th可以搬嗎 . .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 1 day29 pros notified
  • Hong Kong Cross Border Transfers1. What is the situation you are facing regarding this service? 香港上廣州 7人車. 2. Any special request about this service want to point out? 同上. 3. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    At Pro's locationVia internet or phoneTravel to customer
    Expires after 1 day9 pros notified
  • Furniture Recycling1. Please specify the number of the furniture you need to recycle 1. 2. Do it need to demolish? Yes. 3. Does the building require stairs? No. 5. Please choose the service district: Central and Western District. 6. When do you want the service? Other (Please specify). 7. Please provide service date 2024-05-16. .
    Central and WesternTravel to customertag
    Expires after 4 days26 pros notified
  • Furniture Recycling1. Please specify the number of the furniture you need to recycle 3, 1, 4 or above, 4 or above. 2. Please choose the service district: Sham Shui Po District. 3. Do it need to demolish? No. 4. Does the building require stairs? No. 6. When do you want the service? As soon as possible. 7. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 在工廠大廈. .
    Sham Shui PoTravel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day28 pros notified
  • Piano Recycling1. Type of piano? Upright Piano. 2. Do you need people for moving piano by stairs? No. 3. If yes, which types of service needed? Stairs only. 4. How long did you used your piano? 10 years above. 5. The piano's manufacturing number is? K859227. 6. The brand of the piano is? KAWAI. 7. The model of the piano is? BL51. 8. Does the pro able to try the piano first? Yes. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customertag
    Expires after 1 day19 pros notified
  • 搬梳化1. 請問你的梳化大約大小為? 三至五人座位. 2. Please choose your relocation date: 8PM. 3. You are moving from (building name): 粉嶺皇后山邨. 4. You are moving to (building name): 屯門建生邨. 5. 請問需要搬運公司提供包裝紙作保護? 需要. 6. 請問你的樓宇有沒有升降機? 有. 7. Are there any stairs in the vicinities? If yes, how many? No. 8. Is there any parking space within 50 meters of the vicinities? No. 9. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. 10. Anything else you need the Pro to know? 三座位梳化 約1.9米. .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 1 day38 pros notified
  • Piano Recycling1. Type of piano? Upright Piano. 2. Do you need people for moving piano by stairs? No. 3. If yes, which types of service needed? Stairs only. 4. How long did you used your piano? 10 years above. 5. The piano's manufacturing number is? J1967120. 6. The brand of the piano is? yamaha. 7. The model of the piano is? LX-113. 9. Does the pro able to try the piano first? Yes. 10. Does your phone number support Whatsapp? Yes. .
    Travel to customer
    Expires after 1 day17 pros notified